About Neha Choudhary, The Trainer

Shades of Life
Neha Choudhary is a Speaker in UNICEF SDG’s program about climate change, USA Certified NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) Master Trainer, Access bars Trainer. She was Founder of Yuva Unstoppable (NGO) in surat having 1500 volunteers and 20 municipal schools..

Neha Choudhary
ISC Certified NLP Trainer (USA),
Transformation Coach & Founder


Shades of Life

Employees can make or break a business. A positive atmosphere at work and encouragement to succeed will boost the productivity. Every employee right from the founder to the top management to the lower levels, drives revenue to the business. An employees success is directly proportionate to the success of the business. To improve or maintain the positive environment and to enhance their performance, a professional development skills are essential. Shades of Life will provide a colorful shades to the business by enhancing the professional etiquetes and skills to every individual of the organization.

“After some point in your life your degree will not work, your work will wok”

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School & College Training

Shades of Life

All of us have some dreams / goals in life. Some of us confused with the goals and some of us take life as it comes and proceeds. But every one of us looks to do something big. To achieve all anything we need to improve on certain areas and at right time.
Shades of life here helps you with right set of skills required which can in turn help you transform the dreams into reality.

Crazy is the new success!!

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Individual or Group Training

Shades of Life

Shades of life believes, Every individual has a great potential in themeself. Each one of us possess all the qualities like discipline, etiquetes, behavior, group manners, etc. We don’t teach anyone on these qualities. We just polish them and bring it out to an individual notice. Shades of life brings colors in every individual’s life by making them from a best human to a great human.

“Sab alag hote hain, galat nahi”

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Hospital Training

Shades of Life

Hospitals are the most important and a sacred place where every injured or sick pupil are treated to live life. A sick person is 50% ready with the way they are welcomed and addressed at hospitals. Key factor of a successful Doctor or a nurse/brothers is their way of Communication/Listening.

“A good laugh and a Long sleep are the two best cures for anything”

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Nutrition Training

Shades of Life

Every human is working hard all days and nights just for 3 things – Food, Clothes and Shelter ( Roti, Kapda aur Makaan ). We can still live without clothes and shelter at one instance but not without food. In this race of achiving all of this we tend to get into certain habits of or we miss out on certain habits which could basically help us live healthy and happy.
Shades of life, brings colors to your healthy life with some of the habitual trainings.

“Food habits WAS not easy to change!!

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